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marje villa deniz manzarası

Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy (Policy) Ata Optik Konut İnşaat San. Tic. Ltd. A.Ş. (Company) regarding the types of User data collected through the website (Website), how User data is collected, how User data is collected, how User data is collected, how User data is stored, for what purpose and conditions User data is shared and the rights of Users.

Website cookies, which are generally categorised as session cookies and persistent cookies, have functions such as remembering preferences, compiling data about your movements on the Website, using your visit data to the Website in order to improve your Website technical usage performance and to offer you special advertisements; They are files consisting mostly of letters and numbers, which are stored in the internet browser or hard disk / disks of the device being used, allowing the device in question to be detected. Session cookies expire when you close your browser. Persistent cookies remain on your hard drive for a certain period of time depending on the function and type of the cookie. You can remove persistent cookies and reject cookies by following the instructions given in the ‘Help Centre’ tab of your internet browser. We hope that valuable Users do not ignore that the cookies we offer have functions such as contributing to technical performance, providing ease of saving your password, and maintaining the current content of your basket when the tab is refreshed.

The data received from the Users who perform transactions through the Website are used, processed, securely stored and shared with third parties in accordance with the consent of the Users and the provisions of the relevant legislation, provided that they are not used by the Company outside the purposes and scope specified in the current Clarification Policy within the Website.

The International Institute of Standards and Technology defines the concept of ‘personally identifiable information’ as follows ‘(1) All information collected by any institution about the person, including information such as name, identification number, place and date of birth, mother's maiden name, biometric records, and all kinds of medical, educational, financial and employment data that can be used to identify the person and may be linked or linked to the person.’ In line with this definition, the User data collected, stored and used by the Company through the Website are of the following types.

  • Information about your computer, including IP address, geographical location, browser type and version, and operating system,

  • Information about your visit and use of the site, including the referring source, duration of visit, page views and navigation paths,

  • Information you provide to register on our site, such as your e-mail address,

  • Information you provide when creating a profile on our site, such as your name, profile picture, gender, birthday, relationship status, interests and hobbies, education and employment status, address information,

  • Information you provide when subscribing to our emails and/or newsletters, such as your name and email address,

  • Information you enter when using the services on the Website,

  • Information generated when you use our site, including when, how often and under what circumstances,

  • Information relating to anything you purchase, a service you use or a transfer you make through our site, including your name, address, telephone number, email address and credit card details,

  • Information that you submit to our site for the purpose of sharing on the internet using our site, including your username, profile picture and the content of your post,

  • Any communication content you send via our site or email, including contact content and metadata,

  • Any other personal information you send us.


In the process of processing the personal data of the Users, we act in accordance with the principles of processing for specific, clear and legitimate purposes within the framework of legal and ethical rules, ensuring that personal data is accurate and up-to-date when necessary, processing in accordance with the law and honesty rules, and ensuring that personal data is connected, limited and measured for the purpose for which they are processed. In line with these principles, your personal data are used for the following purposes:

  • To confirm the identity information of the shopper / shopper on the Website,

  • Save the address and other necessary information for contact,

  • To communicate with our customers regarding the conditions, current status and updates of the contracts we have concluded under the relevant articles of the Distance Sales Contract and the Law on Consumer Protection and to provide the necessary information,

  • To organize all records and documents that will be the basis of the transaction in electronic (internet/mobile etc.) or paper environment,

  • To fulfill the obligations undertaken in accordance with the distance sales contract and the contracts we have concluded under the relevant articles of the Law on Consumer Protection,

  • To be able to provide information to public officials on matters related to public security upon request and in accordance with the legislation,

  • To provide our customers with a better shopping experience, to inform our customers about our products that our customers may be interested in “taking into account the interests of our customers”, and to convey campaigns,

  • To increase customer satisfaction, to recognize our customers who shop on the website and/or mobile applications and to use them in customer environment analysis, to use them in various marketing and advertising activities and to organize surveys in electronic and/or physical environment through contracted organizations in this context,

  • To be able to offer suggestions to our customers by our contracted institutions and solution partners and to inform our customers about our services,

  • To be able to evaluate customer complaints and suggestions regarding our services,

  • To fulfill our legal obligations and to exercise our rights arising from the legislation in force,


We store personal data in digital media for the period required by the purpose of processing personal data, without prejudice to the retention periods stipulated in the legislation. In cases where we process personal data for more than one purpose, the data is deleted, destroyed or anonymized and stored if the purposes of processing the data disappear or if there is no obstacle in the legislation to delete the data upon the request of the User. The provisions of the legislation and PDP Board decisions are complied with in terms of destruction, deletion or anonymization.

As the Company, we act in accordance with the decisions and regulations stipulated in the LPPD and taken by the PDP Board regarding the transfer of personal data. Without prejudice to the exceptional circumstances in the legislation, personal data and special categories of data are not transferred by us to other natural persons or legal entities without the express consent of the User.


In the following exceptional cases, the Company may disclose the information of users to third parties outside the provisions of this “Privacy Policy”. These exceptional cases are limited in number;

  • To comply with the obligations imposed by the rules of law in force and issued by the competent legal authority such as Law, Decree Law, Regulation, etc,

  • In order to fulfill and implement the requirements of the Website agreements and other agreements that our Store has concluded with users,

  • Requesting information about users for the purpose of conducting a duly conducted investigation or inquiry by the competent administrative or judicial authority,

  • Where it is necessary to provide information to protect the rights or safety of users.


Your personal data in accordance with the LPPD;

  • Find out if it is being processed,

  • Do not request information if processed,

  • Learn the purpose of processing and whether it is used for its intended purpose,

  • Knowing the third parties to whom it is transferred domestically / abroad,

  • Request correction if incomplete / incorrectly processed,

  • To request deletion / destruction within the framework of the conditions stipulated in Article 7 of the LPPD,

  • To request the third parties to whom it is transferred to be notified of the transactions made pursuant to subparagraphs (d) and (e) above,

  • Object to the occurrence of a result to your detriment due to analysis exclusively by automated systems,

  • We would like to remind you that you have the right to demand the compensation of the damage in case you suffer damage due to processing in violation of LPPD.


In this context, you can send us your request regarding your above-mentioned rights by filling in the Marje Villas Contact Form within the framework of the procedures and principles set out in the form and using the communication methods specified in the form.

Depending on the nature of the request, Marje Villas will finalize the request free of charge as soon as possible and within 30 (thirty) days at the latest. However, in the event that a fee is stipulated by the Personal Data Protection Board and in the event that there is an additional cost related to the finalization of the requests by Marje Villas, the fees in the tariff determined by the Personal Data Protection Board may be requested by Marje Villas. In cases where your Personal Data has been processed with explicit consent, we would like to emphasize that if you withdraw your explicit consent, you will be removed from the membership program where the processing based on such explicit consent is required and you will not be able to benefit from the advantages you have benefited from such processing as of the relevant date.

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